April Goals

Lara Casey Goals[Source]

April is all about recharging my batteries. March was a little crazy. OK, a lot crazy. I don't think I fully understood how nuts it was going to be until I was living it! Four out-of-town weekends, three weddings, portrait sessions, a life-changing conference and general life stuff ... whew. I'm standing on the other side feeling like a new person. I'm SO incredibly grateful that I ended the month with the Making Things Happen conference in Chapel Hill, N.C. Talk about going out with a bang! I have tons and tons to share from the last few days, but I need a little while to wrap my head around it, so look for a post in the next couple weeks!

In the meantime, MTH got me (even more) fired up about goal setting and I'm ready to tackle these April goals with gusto!

  • Read two books (25 in 12): Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen and The Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak. (I didn't read as much as I wanted to last month, and I took on an unexpected book last month too, so I'm still working on the same books you saw in March!)
  • Finish my website rebrand (oh yeah!)
  • Enjoy a sunny vacation and my college BFF's wedding (seriously cannot wait to be reunited with these ladies)
  • Book our plane tickets to Ireland and Scotland
  • Finish all editing/album design from last month (i.e., get all caught up before wedding season really begins!)
  • Take one weekday completely off to read, watch movies and recharge before it gets busy!
  • Spring clean our house
  • Design and order a sample album
  • Celebrate Easter surrounded by family
  • Find a new client proofing site
  • Find a new address book