Creative Juices: Towers by Bon Iver

And continuing with the mellow mood from last month ... here's another song I've been editing to every day. The intro is a little long, but stick with it because it's a beautiful song! :) I first heard Bon Iver on Ellen, and those of you that know me know that I LOVE Ellen and most of the stuff she puts on her show. I was hooked from that point on. I just love their sound, and especially all the instruments they use to get that sound. Click here to see them perform live.

Happy Monday!

Creative Juices: Old Pine by Ben Howard

I've been in a really mellow mood the last couple weeks. More than usual. Probably because busy photography season is picking up and I'm trying to slow everything down on the other end. Deep breath ... I've also been feeling really blessed lately. I always feel thankful, but these days it's apparent how incredibly lucky I am. I get to meet lots of unique, kind-hearted people who really appreciate what I do with my camera. That's a really cool thing!

The music I've been obsessing over lately exemplifies both of those things for me. And this song by Ben Howard is a perfect feel-good song for the beginning of the summer. I listen to it while I edit to get inspired.

Don't forget that this Creative Juices thing is a two-way street! If you have a current favorite that you want to share, sound off in the comment section below. I love discovering new music. :)

Happy Friday, all!

Creative Juices: Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men

Have you ever really liked a song—the tune, the beat, whatever—but had no idea what it actually meant? Yeah. That's me with this song. And then I watched the video. And that didn't help. But I still like this song. If you do too, you should also check out Dirty Paws by Of Monsters and Men. That one will confuse you even more, but it's so catchy! Nathan and I seriously listened to it five times in a row to try and decipher the meaning, and I think we're more confused than when we started.

So, take a listen, have a happy Friday, and if you can shed some light on all this, please do! :)