Goodreads | The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind Book ReviewI'm not sure how it's already August, but if you're still looking for a book to take to the beach or pool, here are some of my favorites from the last few months.

Wonder by R.J. Palacio A young adult book about a 10-year-old boy with a facial abnormality learning to live a normal life. This is one of my favorite books I've read all year. It's incredibly well-written, heartwarming and just … pure. (*****)

Emma by Jane Austen Let me tell you my history with this book: I've started and stopped it so many times I thought I would never get through it. Not only did I get through it, but I LOVED it once I was finally immersed in the story. This is a classic rom-com in the most classic sense. If you haven't read it yet, you must! (*****)

StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath Based on the idea that we spend too much time focused on our weaknesses and not enough time developing our strengths, this book also includes a StrengthsFinder assessment so you can learn more about your strengths and how you can apply them to your life. I read StrengthsFinder for a conference I attended recently and it was super interesting. (***)

Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi A true story about a group of young women in Iran who secretly meet to read and discuss Western literature. I really liked the idea of this story, but I had a hard time following all the pieces because I hadn't read all the books they were reading. If you've read the books that each chapter is devoted to and you're a literary buff, you'll really appreciate this book. (***)

A is for Alibi by Sue Grafton This is a super easy and entertaining read, and I needed something like this in the middle of my busy wedding season. If you're into mysteries and haven't heard of the letter mystery series, check it out now! (****)

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind by William Kamkwamba I was completely absorbed by this story from the very beginning. William, who lives in Malawi--a really poor and drought-laden country in Africa--is determined to keep learning even after he has to drop out of school because his family can't pay the fees. After lots of research, lots of tinkering and lots of being made fun of, William successfully creates his village's first windmill at the age of 14. William's done two TED talks since his windmill became international news: #1 and #2 in case you're as interested as I was! (*****)

Animal Dreams by Barbara Kingsolver A story about a directionless woman and her journey to find peace with her past and a purpose for her life. Set in the American Southwest, like a lot of Kingsolver's books are, I enjoyed this story but found the main character to be a little frustrating. I just wanted her to get her life together! Regardless, this book is extremely well-written, and I wouldn't expect anything less from Kingsolver! (***)

Emma by Jane Austen Book Review