June Goals

Time is a funny thing. It can just evaporate into thin air, leaving you confused about where that last hour went or what actually got done this week. 

I had an epiphany after reading 168 Hours a couple months ago: If I don't plan ahead, things will almost never go the way I expect or want them to. That goes for almost every aspect of my life: the day's schedule, what I'm going to eat all week, money, my wardrobe, etc. 

Dave Ramsey always says that a budget is just a way to tell your money where it should go. The same thing is true for every minute of the day. If I don't tell my time where to go, I've suddenly spent two hours of my work day on the couch watching Ellen and eating gummy bears. Sure, that's enjoyable, but what's NOT enjoyable is trying to make up those two hours of work in the evening when I could be hanging out with Nathan ... watching Ellen and eating gummy bears. 

Planning ahead is so not exciting, but having control of my life and time for all the things I want to accomplish (including some margin!) IS exciting. Slowly I'm learning this.

I've started to consistently plan my days the night before because (shocking) my goals won't get accomplished without a little foresight. I always just thought I'd fit cleaning or reading or working out in when I had time, but when busy season hits, I never have extra time lying around just for reading. I'll always fill extra time with work or watching cat videos on YouTube when left to my own spontaneity. I have to be intentional about picking up my book or grabbing my gym shoes (way more enjoyable in the long run than watching cat videos), which means I have to build it into my schedule. 

And now that I've gotten into the rhythm of planning my days ahead of time, let's see if I can't accomplish a couple of these lingering goals once and for all, shall we?

June Goals

  • Finish An Irish Doctor in Love and at Sea by Patrick Taylor and read Rising Strong by Brené Brown
  • De-clutter bedroom
  • Donate and sell unwanted clothes
  • Host a summer party
  • Go to the farmers market at least twice
  • Order new USBs
  • Order new stationery
  • Update tax document
  • Shoot four weddings!

How are you all starting your summers? What is your biggest time suck? How do you overcome it to feel accomplished and ready for real relaxation?

August Goals

Charleston South Carolina CharmJuly was fantastic, you guys. I think maybe that's why I'm a bit late with this post … I'm in denial that July is over! :) I rarely get time off in the middle of the summer because there are so many beautiful weddings happening that I want to photograph! However, after recently experiencing five weeks off from weddings in the middle of my busiest season, I realized how valuable it is to get caught up, recharge and gear up for the second half of wedding season. I also feel like I've gotten to experience summer this year, which is such a nice feeling since we don't get to enjoy this beautiful weather all year round. This is most definitely going to become a tradition for Lane Baldwin Photography!

And now I'm ready to work hard and play hard this last full month of summer. (But really, doesn't it seem like it was just February?) What's left on your summer bucket list? Anything special or unique that you're super excited about?

August Goals