Creative Juices | Spring Playlist

We might not have leaves on the trees yet, but it's 60 degrees. And sunny! I'm calling that spring. And I'm about to go for a run. Outside. Without a jacket. Hallelujah! If you're in the same joyful, spring-is-here! mood as me, take a listen to my spring playlist. It's on repeat in my office, and I'm especially playing that first song overandoverandover. I can't get enough! (Those of you who watch Fixer Upper on HGTV might recognize the duo Johnnyswim. They sing Home, the opening song on the show!)

What are your favorite tunes this season? I'm always looking for more songs to add to my playlist and would love to hear what you currently have on repeat.

Spring Music Playlist

Creative Juices: Who You Are by JJ Heller

I've been listening to lots and lots of JJ Heller lately. I identify with her style, so her songs are perfect for when I'm editing! I especially love the "Who You Are" video. It's so beautifully done, I love the message, and it inspires me to cook. (I need to watch this while I'm complaining about making dinner. ;) ) If you like this one, also check out "Until You Came Along" and "If You Fall." Happy Monday!

Creative Juices: The Daylight by Andrew Belle

Happy Monday! For me, Mondays are just like another other day and don't necessarily hold the stereotypical "blah" like they do for others. That's the beauty of working from home and doing something you really enjoy, I suppose! When I worked for the fraternity, despite the fact that I liked my job and the people I worked with, Monday mornings always just kind of stared me in the face. I had a one-hour commute just to get to work, and that long drive was daunting at 7 a.m. when I was half asleep. Having good music on those car rides was a lifesaver (that's when Nancy's radio still worked).

If I would have known about Andrew Belle when I drove back and forth from Cincinnati to Oxford, I'm sure my Mondays would have been a little better. This song is beautiful and I love when it surprises me on my iTunes shuffle. Enjoy! :)

Creative Juices: Next to Me by Emeli Sande

When I first heard this song on the radio, I couldn't figure out who the heck was singing (I totally thought it was Alicia Keys!). Then I saw Emeli on the Ellen Show and I was blown away. She is so good and the song has such meaning. I'm not sure exactly what she intended with the lyrics, but I like to think that's it's spiritual. I blast this when I need a little pick-me-up. Happy Monday! :)