101 in 1001: #26 Find My Photography Style.

A couple weeks ago, I was updating my website portfolio and I came to this realization. All my photos went together. They were consistent. They had a similar look and feel. I did a little dance around the room because I knew I had officially found my photography style. Cleveland Wedding Photographer

When I wrote "find my photography style" on my 101 in 1001 list, I knew it was a tad ambiguous. I mean, there's just no measurable way to find your style, and I figured if I was lucky then MAYBE I would be happy with where I was at when my 101 list ended.

But over the past few months, I kept hearing myself telling Nathan, "I really like this photographer's work but his style is just so different than mine." Or, "If a bride tells me she wants dramatic lighting, I should send her to this photographer because I'm just not drawn to dramatic lighting." I knew these things all along, of course, but I was finally finding the courage to say out loud, "You know what? My style of photography is not for everyone. And I'm OK with that."

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My photography style will continue to evolve as I continue to work in this industry, but the most important thing is to stay true to myself. To know what I like, what I want to create, what types of couples I am drawn to. If I know all of that and am brave enough to say no to the work that just doesn't fit my brand, well, I think I will be on to something.

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