November Goals (ish)

Cleveland Field Well, it's official. This is the longest I've ever gone without blogging (at least in awhile). Fall got me good, but I'm slowly climbing out of the shoot, edit, repeat cycle I was in for the last two months. I have SO, SO many beautiful people to showcase on this blog, but I wanted to at least attempt to put together a November goals post before November is behind us. Is it any surprise that I'm keeping it way simple these last couple weeks of the month?

November Goals

  • Finish Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less (yep, still going with this one. Not because it's not good, but because I can't seem to find the time to read!)
  • Finish all the editing that's currently on my plate (I WANT to say by Thanksgiving, but that might be a little ambitious!)
  • Complete a 10K!
  • Order our Christmas cards
  • Start Christmas shopping

This Thanksgiving season, I'm definitely most thankful for the opportunity to savor time with people I love. I hope you all have a beautiful holiday!