February Goals

Winter Trees in Steamboat Springs I'm greeting February as a new woman! January was all about rest and restoration, and boy did I soak it up. This is my first photography season where I didn't book any weddings in the traditional "off" months and it has been quite the experience being "off" for 2.5 months now.

I've learned that being a wedding photographer means truly embracing the ebbs and flows of life … and of business. One minute you're feeling incredibly stress-free and like you could do this "off" thing for the rest of your life, and then it all comes racing back to you: What am I doing sitting around?? I should be working!!!! What if I never book anything ever again?! How much time have I wasted sitting on this couch, just existing, not producing anything?!?!?! 

Then my sanity returns and I remember what a gift this slow season is. I remember why it's crucial to just be for awhile. To not produce anything but dream about things. To pick up all those thing I neglected six months ago. To devour books and learn and learn and learn again.

It's a constant cycle but I'm excited to embrace that cycle for another 2.5 months. Soon enough it will be time to hustle and produce again. And that's a beautiful experience in and of itself.

February Goals

  • Read three books (Still Life with Bread Crumbs, Emma and Stitches)
  • Send/give encouragement to three people (I'm not sure exactly what this will look like yet, but it's amazing how much time and energy I spend on myself when I could be using a lot of that time to focus on other people. It's so easy to slip into that selfish and prideful pattern!)
  • Complete our 2014 taxes
  • Finish designing and hanging our living room gallery wall
  • Purge our house of old magazines
  • Continue writing content for my new client guide
  • Develop a realistic business budget*
  • Order a new, untraditional sample album (I'll be sharing soon!)
  • Experiment with fine art prints (i.e., order a couple different samples)
  • Finish the questionnaire for the spring workshop I'll be attending (so excited about this one!)

*I'll be using Nancy Ray's Business Budgeting Guide. We talked a lot about finances in my mentoring session, and it was so helpful!

What does your February look like? Do you have something exciting planned this month?