Staci & Ben | Chippewa Lake Wedding Sneak Peek

This past weekend, I had my very first double header. Whew. I came out on the other end just a little bit sore, which I consider a huge win! Staci and Ben's non-traditional outdoor wedding at Chippewa Lake was quite the adventure. It rained RIGHT (and I mean right) before the ceremony was to begin, but they took everything in stride and waited it out. Sure enough, the rain stopped long enough for them to get married and take some family pictures. :) I loved that these two stayed focused on what really mattered that day ... getting married ... and not the untimely weather. I get to work with the most fantastic people!

For now, here's a few from their beautiful day. Stay tuned this afternoon when Taja and Husain's wedding peek goes live!

Non-traditional-Ohio-Wedding Non-traditional-Ohio-Wedding