101 in 1001: #15 Create our Wedding Album.

Well, a year and a half later we finally have a wedding album! :D Considering it took me this long to get our photos off a disc, I'd say I'm not the model photographer, BUT it definitely taught me first-hand how important albums are. Over the last year and a half, if I wanted to look at our wedding photos I would go to Amanda's blog post or my personal one. How lame is that?? It's a lot more gratifying to hold our soft, leather album in my hands and physically flip through the pages. If you ever come over to my house, I will probably shove this thing in your face because I'm so excited about it. Madera Wedding Album Madera Wedding Album

And some of my favorite spreads inside ...

Editorial Wedding Album Editorial Wedding Album Editorial Wedding Album Editorial Wedding Album Editorial Wedding Album Editorial Wedding Album Editorial Wedding Album

Our wedding day was a bit of a blur but a little bit comes back each time I flip through the sturdy pages of our album. I'm so thankful to have the day preserved between the soft, gray leather.