February Goals

Cleveland Wedding Photographer Let me preface my February goals by saying that this system really works for me. I was running around the house like a crazy person this last week just so I could say I completed all my goals. The accountability really gets me moving! I was close but I fell short on a couple goals. Such is life. Here's the January recap:


  1. Back up website. (Dah! I realllllly need to do this!)
  2. Finish editing the last 2012 wedding.
  3. Back up 2012 files and clean off computer. (Again, need to get.this.done.)
  4. Organize all files for taxes. (OK, didn't get this done BUT I just got all my necessary paperwork so it'll be happening this month!)
  5. Finish 2014 pricing guide.
  6. Update website portfolio. (Halfway done and I'm doing this today, so I'm counting it! :) )
  7. Blog every weekday.


  1. Design OUR wedding album (whoo!). (Dang. This needs to happen.)
  2. Clean out my closet.
  3. Clean out my car.
  4. Unsubscribe from all the junk e-mail that comes to my Inbox.
  5. Read at least two books (Love DoesLife of Pi).
  6. Complete 95% of my office (i.e., everything should at least be ordered).
  7. Work out 5/week. (Maybe not exactly 5/week but it was close. :) )
  8. Ski down a moderately sized hill without falling. (Whoo hoo!)

And my February goals:


  1. Back up website.
  2. Back up 2012 files and clean off computer before first wedding of 2012.
  3. Organize all files for taxes.
  4. Update/organize photography budget.
  5. Shoot first wedding of 2012 and get 75% of editing done.
  6. Blog every weekday.


  1. Design OUR wedding album (whoo!).
  2. Read three books (Where'd You Go, Bernadette; The Kitchen House; Fine Art Wedding Photography).
  3. Finish my office and blog it!
  4. Clean at least two big boxes out of our junk room.
  5. Work out 5/week.