101 in 1001: #47 Take a Weekend Trip to Chicago.

Chicago_The Bean If I had to pick one major city to spend the rest of my days, it would be Chicago. I love it. All that Midwestern friendliness mixed with skyscrapers and hustle and bustle. I never thought of myself as a city person until I moved to Cincinnati, and ever since then I've just loved all the goings-on of a city. I'm not sure I'd ever want to live in the middle of a concrete jungle, but I like living nearby. Does that still count as being a city person?

Last weekend, my family and I headed to the Windy City to show Paul, my German exchange-student brother a major U.S. city ... other than North Canton, Ohio, of course. Ha! We did the touristy things (walk Michigan Ave., explore Navy Pier, eat deep-dish pizza) and the not-as-touristy things (eat the best breakfast(s) ever at Wildberry Cafe [oh wait, maybe that's still touristy :)], go to a show at Tommy Gun's Garage, attend church at Trinity UCC). It was a good time all around ... especially when Paul got called up on stage at the dinner theater. :D I haven't laughed that hard in a loooong time. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of that (we were strictly forbidden to take photos!), but look at the photos I DO have!

Chicago_Navy Pier Chicago_Navy Pier Chicago_Navy Pier Chicago_Navy Pier Chicago_Navy Pier Chicago_Millenium Park Chicago_Millenium Park Chicago_Millenium Park

It looks like we're bundled up but it was really 60 degrees. In Chicago. In December. Ridiculous!

Chicago Chicago Chicago_Gino's East

I think I've eaten at Gino's every, single time I've been to Chicago. So delicious!

Chicago_Michigan Avenue