Thoughts: Doing Better

That's an ambiguous thought isn't it? Doing better. No matter how much I work at being better in any sort of way, there's always an opportunity to kick it up a notch. Always. Which can be kind of daunting because how do you ever decide that you're doing enough? Maybe the point is to keep striving while realizing that you need to forgive yourself every now and then. That sounds easy! A couple months ago, I blogged on my schedule. Now, keep in mind that schedule is an ideal one. These days, what with working a full-time communications job, being in the really busy photography season and trying to keep up with my personal life, I laugh at the me that wrote that post. I seem like I have it all together. No big deal. Right now I feel like I can barely keep my head above water, and I'm about to live out of a suitcase for a week and half (more on that later!). Daunting to say the least.

So, with the amount of stress I've been feeling lately, it was kind of a relief to read this simple post by Nancy Ray. It said to me, no, you're not perfect but you can strive every day to live the life you want to live. Sometimes you'll fail, but most of the time, if you keep your priorities in check, you'll do really, really good. In that spirit ...

I will do better at:

Staying on a consistent sleep schedule Reading a little every day Getting outside Stepping away from the computer to have real conversations Making real food for dinner at least twice a week Having a date night with Nathan every week Cleaning and organizing my work space each day Eating natural foods Working out consistently Living in the moment Giving thanks Making our bed each morning Working smarter Staying connected to family and friends Writing letters Staying up to date on the admin side of the business Giving back Truly caring about others

I will give up:

Staying in front of the computer/working all day Being selfish Saying I'm too busy Being stressed Complaining Being fearful Checking Facebook 27 times a day Forgetting to eat meals Making excuses Letting my Inbox get out of control

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